Sunday, April 7, 2013


 This post is going to be kind of dumb.

A lot has happened since the last time I've written.

No, I mean a goddamn lot.

A Wal-Mart parking lot filled with the Sedans of regret, the Impalas of shit happens, and the old-as-hell Chevettes of Oh God I was so drunk what happened.

I'd like to think I'm a different person than I was in October, but that's a wishy-washy, overly-saccharine assumption to make about life in general.  If I've changed, I'm probably more cynical, a little fatter, and just a hair worse at Team Fortress 2.

Behold the fruits of my labor.
It's extremely easy to get bogged down in the septic tank of life's shenanigans, and anyone who knows me knows that I can sometimes make that my milieu.  When that happens, it's hard to dig out of (yes I'm ending a sentence with a preposition eat me nerd).  I imagine that most people have something they can go to - a goal, a release - that can put things in perspective or can get their priorities reaffirmed.  I don't know if I've personally ever had something like that.  Perhaps no one does, and I'm projecting what I wish I had onto others in the hopes that there's an easier way out.

Maybe that's an unhealthy approach, but I've come close to approximating that type of ideal pick-me-up.

Batman laying Bowlcut Lantern Guy Gardner the fuck out.

Take that, personal inadequacies!

It could also be because apparently I have the psyche of a 14 year-old.  WHO KNOWS?

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